Thursday, June 19, 2014

Mish Mash Dress

I decided to make a really quick dress on the weekend and thought I should use a bodice that I'd had some success with, the New Look 6910. I wanted sleeves so I can wear it now in the cooler months, and the Emery sleeves are simple so I used them. For the skirt I chose New Look 6886, which is some kind of circle skirt- a quarter or half circle, I guess. Probably quarter.


This did not prove to be the fast and easy project I'd hoped it would. The fit of the bodice was really off, and the lining was too short in the centre of the waist. I noticed this the last time I used this particular poplin as a lining. It has no 'give' in it at all, and it shrinks when pressed. I almost threw the whole thing into the 'fix at some stage in the future' pile because the lining was pulling up the front of the bodice, but I had a lightbulb moment and decided to chop off most of the lining, overlock the edges, and turn it into an all-in-one facing. It worked a treat! Except of course I hadn't finished my seam allowances becaus the bodice was going to be lined, so I need to do something about that. However, I was too impatient after 4 nights work on this damn dress and just wanted to wear it to work today, so the seams will have to wait!

I chopped an inch off the Emery sleeves and I think they look cute a bit shorter. I also had to take the side seams and princess seams in a bit to get rid of some excess fabric. The fit is pretty good now.

I think this is a really pretty dress but it's given me a bit of a smack in the face and made me realise something...I really need to learn to slow down and do things properly. This means making a muslin, no taking shortcuts, no setting myself deadlines, and taking the time to enjoy my sewing. 

On that note, here are some patterns I picked up from Spotlight yesterday. They had a great deal- 3 Simplicity patterns for $10! I'd been waiting for them to get 1419 in stock so I'm stoked that I got it, and these other two cuties, for such a great price!